(Old project—really old project, not necessarily indicative of current work—but I still like it.)
The basic idea comes from Matt Stevens' AirMax1-A-Day Gallery. The idea was to take a simple concept and make multiple cool ideas come from it. I thought that as a bonus, I could pay homage to some design heroes of mine as well. As I did not want to directly copy anyone's work, I tried to emulate the general style of the artist, and not just steal a composition or something. My basic rules were thus: Some are better than others and as I think of a better idea I will replace the poster with the superior one. All of them will be on my Flickr page so you can see the good and the bad. Also, more designers will join the bunch as I finish more posters.

This poster is not without graphic design influence, but I did not look to anyone in particular in creating it. So I regard this as my personal contribution to the series.

I like Invisible Creature so much I will be presenting multiple posters of them! This is a style that was in a lot of their early posters, when they were named Asterik Studio. The posters were primarily red, black, and yellow.

This is a very loose interpretation of his work. Ideally I would construct the letters for Jurassic Park out of dinosaur bones and jungle plants, but the budget is a bit low for that kind of work. I tried instead to just be unconventional and also create my own typography. The poster says something about this movie that the others do not, what that is though I can't put my finger on.

This may be as close to looking and copying as I get. I attempted to make the poster feel like I thought Carson would've felt by watching Jurassic Park. The film was a thriller in its day and was exciting and chaotic. I tried to communicate that here. All of the information I thought was boring, I tried to make hard to read or visually as uninteresting as possible. I focused on the name of the film because I thought it was interesting. It was also repeated 65 million times in the movie.